Atlas Vortec 4200 I6 swap startup tune

Atlas Vortec 4200 I6 swap startup tune

  • $320.00
    Unit price per 

Send us your PCM and we will set it up for your vehicle

we will do the following unless specified otherwise:

  • Remove VATS (prevents engine from starting when outside of original vehicle)
  • Disable rear Oxygen sensors so catalytic convertors can be removed
  • If using a 4L60 , adjust for tire size and gear ratio
  • Disable EVAP if required
  • Disable all unnecessary trouble codes that are not applicable anymore, proper diagnostics will remain in effect.

Automatic transmission can also be removed if using a manual or TH350/400 transmission.

Normal return shipping included, if you want it back faster, purchase the priority shipping option in the Store

Please fill out the form below with all required information

Tuning Sheet


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